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Vigo Village School

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Behaviour, Charging and Complaints Policies


We expect, praise and celebrate good behaviour, and encourage the school’s Code of Conduct, which is as follows:

Everybody at Vigo Village School has the right to

  • Learn to the best of their ability
  • Be happy.

To ensure that this happens, everyone has agreed that we will be

  • Ready
  • Respectful
  • Safe.

Behaviour that threatens the well-being or safety of other members of the community, or compromises the ability of others to learn is addressed on its merits, but will often result in the loss of privileges and other sanctions.  Where it is deemed necessary, parents will be involved.  The school has the facility to follow exclusion and transferral procedures.

The school has an Anti-Bullying Policy, drawn up by the School Council which has been  agreed upon by the whole school.  Should a parent or carer consider that their child is being bullied, we strongly encourage them to contact the class teacher or the head teacher.

The school does much to provide children with the ability to make appropriate decisions with regard to their conduct both in school and outside the school, and to prepare them for later life.  Our P.S.H.E. scheme includes relevant sessions, and we run social groups, play therapy and counselling sessions for individuals and small groups of children during curriculum time.  We also invite external agencies into school to talk to the children about behavioural and safety issues outside school.

Link to Behaviour Policy

Link to Charging Policy


Should you have cause for complaint, the first port of call should be your child’s teacher.  Should you be dissatisfied, the following process should be followed:

  1. Discuss the problem with the head teacher or another member of the senior management team
  2. Refer the complaint to the chair of the governing body
  3. Appeal to the Local Education Authority
  4. Appeal to the Secretary of State for Education.

Link to Complaints Procedure